Appreciation with tears ... for saving all lives
It was an unforgettable Friday.
Four very critical patients with a variety of pathologies were admitted within 6 hours, and 3 other consults from inside and outside the hospital. Refractory septic shock, cardiac arrest with an emergency landing, cardiogenic shock, Kidney failure, Liver failure, Inhalation injury, Liver sequestration,
Registrars, residents, and nurses were great heroes.
It was as if they were bees working non-stop.
Around 19 hours of continuous resuscitation have been carried on between the hours of 5 a.m. and 12 a.m. Yes, it continued until the following day. It is a long journey when you see your flight time +1).
I am speechless!!
There are not enough words or phrases to describe the tremendous effort that our eminent doctors and nurses have done.
Everyone was like...
Beating heart?
Continuous rain?
Flowing river?
And what I will talk about?
Order after Order after Order?
Do chest compression
Give Adrenaline
Push Bicarb
Increase adrenaline
Escalate noradrenaline
Start vasopressin
More milrinone
Bolus calcium
Push blood
Prepare ammonia scavenger
Run to ER
Bring a laryngoscope
Yankauer suction, please
Repeat ammonia
Check the lactate
Start furosemide
Repeat x-ray
Bring ultrasound
Consult ID
Call metabolic
Do CT head
Call radiologist
Counsel parent
And more and more endless orders to save lives, draw smiles, maintain hope, and create happiness.
I couldn’t wait till every order was over...
And they did not stop...
No one said no...
No one seemed frustrated or annoyed or upset, and they continued to carry all orders with energy... optimism... Hope... Enthusiasm...
To keep all the hearts beating...
To keep everyone alive...
To convert the tears in parent's eyes at night to shining dew in a hopeful morning.
And after high mental and physical exhaustion and just after the middle of the night when every resuscitated patient seemed surviving, we ended with a fun event. Maybe it was a gift to make us smile 😊
One of our nurses was locked up in the changing room because of a dysfunctional lock 🔐
She could not come out...
We could not wait for the maintenance people to arrive to release her, and we jumped to help. We started to give orders again 😄.
Bring scissor
Find a key
Bring a screwdriver
Even so, we went to the crush trolley to find something to use... We always like the crush trolley!!
And eventually, we could manage and unlock the door with a special maneuver. Our nurse was eventually free to breathe fresh O2.
We left the unit for Saturday's talented team and I am sure they will be the greatest.
Dr. Saif Awlad Thani, March 2023